Millions of people go shopping every day in the United States. Whether it’s for food, clothing, home goods, or electronics people are consciously choosing which stores they will visit and which products they will purchase. Would you like to have the last word with these shoppers? Would you like to tell them why they should come to YOUR store instead of the competitor down the street? With AM/FM radio you can do just that.

Based on a study done by Arbitron (now Nielsen) entitled “Where Radio Fits: Radio’s Strengths in the Media Landscape,” radio is the medium with the strongest pre-shopping reach, by far. Radio reaches up to 40% of people ages 25-54 two hours prior to the peak shopping hour of 1pm to 2pm. Fully 22% of these people are reached through radio a half-hour before this peak shopping time. The medium with the next greatest reach a half-hour before 1pm is live TV, which reaches just 9% of people in this age range. In other words, radio is your best bet if you want to reach shoppers right before they make their purchases for the day.

Not only does radio offer great opportunities to reach people BEFORE they go shopping, it also offers opportunities to reach people WHILE they are shopping. According to the same study, 15% of weekday radio listening for people ages 25-54 occurs while they are in grocery stores, malls, or other retail locations. On the weekends, this number increases to 20%! So take advantage of the great opportunities that radio has to offer and get the last word with shoppers.


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