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How To License Your Music
Music is a big part of civilization. Centuries had passed but music survived and even grew to greater heights every single decade. As a matter …

Sounds of Superior Productivity
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. [qtgallery id=”458″] What is that secret age-old productivity tool? Music. Yep. The right …

Handel: A Musical Life of Devotion
A great gift to music entered into the world on 23 February 1685 in Halle, Germany. A life of great musical interest; one filled with …

The Music That Immortalised 90s Subculture with electronic technologies
The 90s undoubtedly marked the Golden Age of underground music zines cataloguing subcultural movements. Without an avalanche of Tumblr accounts offering endless information on what …

The Music That Immortalised 90s Subculture with electronic technologies
The 90s undoubtedly marked the Golden Age of underground music zines cataloguing subcultural movements. Without an avalanche of Tumblr accounts offering endless information on what …

4 Questions About The Music Industry You Should NOT Be Asking
Chances are, you are already ruining your potential to succeed in the music industry because you believe in one or more music career myths. How …

Living in New York as a musician…
Multiple studies link music study to academic achievement. But what is it about serious music training that seems to correlate with outsize success in other …

The 5 Elements Needed For Music Industry Success
You are about to learn the five critical elements that have fueled the success of all great musicians’ careers. Until you possess these key elements …

Handel: A Musical Life of Devotion
A great gift to music entered into the world on 23 February 1685 in Halle, Germany. A life of great musical interest; one filled with …

How To Market Music: An Effective No-Fail 3 Step Music Marketing Formula That Works
How To Market Your Music More Effectively Knowing how to market your music is without a doubt THE most important thing you can do for …